


The works of Raimondo Roberti can be found in the offices and homes belonging to many high ranking
members of the political, financial, military, industrial, professional and entertainment establishments, who have been supportive and responsive in his artistic efforts throughout his career.

Personal Collections

Senator John W. Warner (Republican Senator of Virginia 1979-2009)
and Secretary of the Defense under Pres. Nixon.

Admiral & Mrs. T. Joe Lopez
Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces,
& Allied Forces, Southern Europe

Brigadier General & Mrs. Guy Vander Linden
Deputy Commander, Naval Striking and Support Forces
Allied Forces Southern Europe 1996-1998

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Babiarz
Clayton Duvier & Rice (Private Equity and Finance)
Commissioned 2 works for home

Mr. & Mrs. Goldberg (Entertainment Industry)
Spelling and Goldberg Productions

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rogers
Drew & Rogers (Printing & Manufacturing)


Corporate Offices

Clayton, Duvier & Rice (Private Equity & Finance)
Commissioned work of 2 pieces for offices

Drew & Rogers (Printing & Manufacturing)

Mandy Films (Entertainment Industry)

Panda Productions

L. Goldberg (former Director of CBS)

Tribene Corporation (Food Industry)

Dr. Stephan Jaksa (Lake Area Dental Clinic)
Drs. Treakova & Dr. Nenkkov (Chief Officers of Evergreen Dental Center)



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